New Build Snagging Survey
What is a snagging survey?
A snagging survey is designed to check for problems with a new-build home. A developer will claim to finish their properties to industry standards, unfortunately these standards are policed by humans, time and again the NHBC or other warranty provider standards and building regulations are not met and most disappointingly the customers expectations are not achieved.
Unlike traditional house surveys, snagging surveys should pick up everything from minor issues, such as a door that doesn't close properly or a worktop with an unsatisfactory finish, to more serious structural problems.
The most common issues picked up by snagging surveys tend to be with plastering, tiling, skirting boards and external brickwork.
Why do I need a snagging survey?
If you've bought a new-build home, you're probably expecting it to be absolutely perfect. Unfortunately, though, even the best new homes can have issues.
The good news is that, aside from occasional horror stories, most problems with new-build homes are cosmetic and easily fixed.
For that reason, a traditional survey is likely to be a little excessive - and this is where snagging surveys come in.
When should I get a snagging survey?
Some would suggest a snagging survey should be carried out between building work being finished and your legal completion date, so the developer has time to fix any snags before you move in. In an ideal world this may make sense, however, in my experience the site management will leave as much as they feel they can get away with and let you make a list as long as your arm.
Many developers won't allow snagging inspections to be done before completion and may deny access. If this is the case with your purchase, your conveyancer may be able to intervene with the developer and arrange access by invoking your legal interest in the property. If the developer insists on not allowing you to gain access prior to completion they may have a good reason. Such as a health and safety issue or the property simply isn't in a presentable state. Many developers are reluctant to allow access to anyone other than those contracted to purchase the property although they will normally allow access to soft furnishing suppliers to measure but not install carpets and curtains so you are able to get them fitted as soon as you legally complete.
What will be checked as part of the survey
Roof tiles / slate
Gutters and downspouts
External drives and garden areas
Fencing, gates
Paths and patios
All elevations including garages
Loft inspection
External windows and doors
Decoration and plaster
Internal doors, skirting boards, and architraves
Kitchen furniture
Sanitary fittings
Walls, flooring, ceilings, and staircases
Wall and floor tilling
Electrical test on sockets
Plumbing checked for leaks
Fire Safety Compliance
Breaches in Building Regulations
Breaches of relevant standards
Poor workmanship
How much does the survey cost?
Prices proportional to the size of your property and the time it takes to carry out the inspection.
One and two bedroom single bathroom apartment £200 *
Two bedroom two bathroom apartment £225 *
Three bedroom two bathroom apartment £250 *
Two bedroom semi-detached £300 *
Three bedroom semi-detached £350 *
* Add detached single or double garage £25
Two bedroom detached £350
Three bedroom detached £400
Four bedroom detached £450, applicable to property valuation under £1.2m
Five bedroom detached £500, applicable to property valuation under £1.2m
Follow up inspection to check that your New Build Snagging Survey has been actioned, completed and finished to correct and satisfactory standard from £50 accurate price on application.
For surveys of properties valued above the value of £1.2m. Please contact for bespoke quotation.
Living abroad, an investor or just no free time to attend the handover of your new property. Don't worry, we can look after the handing over of the property for you, inspect your new property, sign for the keys and inspect the condition at that time, take a video walk through for your records and collect the keys. Please contact for bespoke quotation.