About House & Home Inspection Services
David started work in new build housing on site in his school holidays at the age of 13 and decided early on that he wanted to pursue a career in construction. He left school and went into higher education gaining house building qualifications at Stockport Building and Technology College and further professional qualifications throughout his career progressing through to construction director for a national developer with the same company he started with some 34 years earlier.
In recent years David decided to take a back seat and went into freelance construction management to both pass on his knowledge to the up coming site management and gain further knowledge of the construction industry from a different perspective.
David has a thorough understanding of what makes the new homes house building industry tick having worked in many other areas of the house building process. His experiences extended to quality control manager where he was responsible for final sign off of over 3000 new homes in the 10+ years in the role for a new home builder, a new homes marketing manager for 5 years and project planning. He's also undertaken two self build projects of his own which he designed the houses, gained planning, purchased materials and project managed. Both properties were built on time, to budget and most importantly to him to the high standard and quality he demands.
The advent of computers was the start of the decline of the construction industry as the eduction system thought computers were the future and discouraged children from seeking a trade out on a cold, wet and miserable building site as brick layers, carpenters, plumbers and painters which has left a huge hole in the availability of good tradesmen and women. This is why we have seen a sharp decline in overall standards and new build properties
over the last 15 to 20 years which has made David's decision to start up House and Home Inspection Services so he can put all those years of experience and knowledge to good use helping new home owners get what they've paid for instead of what the developer thinks they can get away with.

Our passion for excellence and eye for perfection is what drives us. With a friendly and personable approach, we ensure that you feel heard, understood, and supported throughout the process. Your satisfaction is at the heart of what we do, and we take pride in delivering results.